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Business Story

Optimise your logistics operations without breaking your head

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Red container on rail.

November 23, 2023
Profile image of Sarjak Sheth
Sarjak Sheth

As the operations in logistics are quite vast, monitoring every move from handling the consignment to delivering it manually is quite difficult. Additionally, the transparency of operations and the accessibility of all the data in real time are matters of concern in logistics. The possibility of making mistakes and missing out on important reminders is quite likely to happen. Inconsistent communication is another problem that the consignors frequently encounter. To address all these and other challenges faced by logistics companies during operations, Shiperone.com introduced Shiperone Workflows.


Shiperone Workflows is a unified platform that primarily focuses on organising logistics operations. The interface allows the users to create and optimise their workflows, which can be altered according to their needs and requirements. The platform offers:

  • Tracking and tracing logistics operations
  • A digital store for all the data and documents
  • Easy accessibility from anywhere, anytime
  • Easy to integrate into any system
  • Faster and more personalised communications
  • Reliable and dynamic information
  • Faster and simplified invoicing process
Businessman and business woman talking with each other and holding tablets.
"Maintaining data and aligning the tasks for shipment was quite a handful. And with a company as big as ours, manually tracking and handling every shipment seemed impossible. Shiperone Workflows came as a rescue to us in simplifying our operations".
Discover Next Case Study

Competitive pricing for Freight Forwarders by reducing errors and delays


Managing multiple shipment orders

In today’s world, the term 'freight forwarder' is considered a ‘service provider'. From getting a transporter onboard to keeping track of every detail of each shipment, freight forwarders work with various vendors and clients at the same time.

We tell you how you, as a Freight Forwarder, can become more competitive on pricing by reducing errors and delays.

In a recent event, one of the freight forwarders received a shipment order from a manufacturer to deliver cargo from its point of origin to its destination. In this case, the freight forwarder had to connect with multiple stakeholders and get them on board. Likewise, he was dealing with another twenty clients who wanted to ship their cargo from one place to another.

Missing important dates despite tremendous efforts

The freight forwarder was trying to manage multiple shipment orders from twenty other clients, which involved a huge number of stakeholders and many cargo deliveries. Handling multiple stakeholders’ replies, updates, and follow-ups on different communication platforms is quite a task. And missing out on something or other is quite common.

In this scenario, the freight forwarder already knew the complexity of his work. Although he had put in tremendous efforts to streamline his processes, he somehow missed out on important dates. Also, due to delayed communication and improper planning, the freight forwarder faced backlogs and warehouse overflows. This ultimately made his clients furious, and as a result, he struggled to keep up with the fast-paced nature of the transportation industry and was losing business to competitors who were able to offer more efficient and streamlined logistics solutions.


All stakeholders under a single platform

In this case, the freight forwarder could speed up his logistics operations with Shiperone Workflows without having to integrate his system. One of the major issues that the platform solved was that it brought all the stakeholders under a single, unified platform. The freight forwarder gained an advantage wherein he could connect multiple stakeholders at a single point in time and update them on their cargo movement.  

Shiperone Workflows came as a rescue for the freight forwarder, allowing him to offer streamlined logistics solutions to his clients. With the platform, the freight forwarder:

  • kept track of his activities while assisting him to understand the scope of his businesses in the market;
  • precisely knew the situation and location of the shipment in real-time;
  • could manage all carrier relationships in one place;
  • eliminated the need for multiple systems;
  • reduced the risk of errors.
Data as steering mechanism

The data analytics allowed the freight forwarder to make data-driven decisions and identify areas for improvement in the operations while aiding him in analysing his entire logistics process. Moreover, the 24/7 support team provided all the training and support to ensure that the freight forwarder's employees were able to use the platform effectively and maximise its benefits.

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Three business people discussing on shop floor, using digital tablet
“With Shiperone Workflows, we are able to broaden our visibility and focus on what is important in the current market. We have certainly outgrown our competitors and will continue to do so.”

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