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December 5, 2023
Profile image of Hans Dekker
Hans Dekker

Navigating the Logistics Maze with Shiperone Workflows

Did You Know? On any given day, a logistics professional navigates through a staggering amount of communication – dealing with 200+ emails and making 100 calls on average for a single shipment. Add to this the complexity of managing 30 different types of documents, and the numbers quickly become overwhelming: 5-6 shipments per day, multiplied by the days in a month, and then in a year, equating to a colossal 36,000 emails and 2,000 documents monthly.

Navigating the Logistics Maze with Shiperone Workflows

Shiperone Workflows to the rescue: Visualising the Logistics Journey

Now, imagine overseeing the entirety of the complex process of logistics. Shiperone Workflows does just that – it offers a panoramic view, transforming the chaotic into the comprehensible.

Key Insights:

Centralised Communication: Shiperone Workflows centralises communication, drastically reducing the need for numerous emails and calls. Stakeholders collaborate seamlessly within a unified platform.

Document Management: Say farewell to document chaos. Shiperone organisesand manages the diverse array of documents associated with shipments, ensuring accessibility and order.

Workflow Visualisation: Shiperone Workflows provides a visual representation of the logistics journey, simplifying the understanding and optimisation of operations. From order initiation to final delivery, every step is laid out.

Efficiency at Scale: With the capability to handle thousands of emails and documents, Shiperone Workflows scales with your business. It eradicates bottlenecks, minimizes errors, and ensures the seamless operation of logistics.

Empowering all logistics professionals

Shiperone Workflows is not just a tool; it's a revolutionary force in the logistics domain. By simplifying communication, managing documents, and visualizing workflows, it empowers logistics professionals to operate at their optimum.

In an industry where time is of the essence, Shiperone Workflows stands as the catalyst for efficiency, collaboration, and success. Step into the future of logistics – experience the transformative power of Shiperone Workflows.


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Shipping made simple: innovation and expertise in freight forwarding.

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We Care About You

Shipping made simple: innovation and expertise in freight forwarding.

Uncovering The Invisible Bottleneck: Transforming Shipping and Logistics with Shiperone Workflows
Uncovering The Invisible Bottleneck: Transforming Shipping and Logistics with Shiperone Workflows
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Person on close-up holnding tablet on which screen is the Shiperone Workflows Platform.
How Shiperone Workflows can help you streamline your shipment
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Supply chain is the core of each industry in the world, and moving ahead in a digitalized world, it has become crucial to keep up with the times. Let us come together to change the future of supply chains that are not only digital but also human.

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Shiperone's activity dashboard overview