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May 26, 2023
Shifali Sharma - Author
Shifali Sharma
Marketing and Research

Foldable Trucks at TNL Munich

From Beach themed booth to an unexpected twist in the form of foldable trucks, Shiperone.com left attendees of TNL Munich amazed and entertained. And as interactive and informative as the exhibition; it was equally fun!

Foldable Truck at TNL Munich

While every booth at TNL had its own offerings, Shiperone.com took a simple concept like foldable trucks and turned it into something truly captivating. Visitors, ranging from college students to influential leaders, found themselves engrossed in the art of folding these trucks.

The fascination behind transforming a flat piece of material into a three-dimensional truck sparked the inner child in everyone, making it a memorable experience. Many visitors were so captivated by the concept that they decided to take the foldable trucks with them for their children. Some of them even tried to ‘steal’ them from the pile… 😉

Shiperone.com Foldable Truck

The allure of the foldable trucks went beyond mere amusement. Additionally, a few youngsters engaged in a friendly competition wherein whoever finished folding the truck successfully received a reward of ten euros. These competitions added a touch of excitement and camaraderie, turning the Shiperone.com booth into a hub of friendly competition and laughter.

Overall, Shiperone.com's contribution to TNL Munich exemplified how logistics can be made easy, engaging, and entertaining.


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Shipping made simple: innovation and expertise in freight forwarding.

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