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July 5, 2023
Ekta Jain Senior Content Writer
Ekta Jain
Senior Content Writer

Eco-logistics help marine ecosystems

The need for eco-logistics was felt with a constant increase in the harmful effects of shipping and logistics on the environment and marine fauna and flora. The marine environment is adversely affected by the underwater noise produced by ships, ballast water discharge, and ship strikes.

Eco Logistics help marine ecosystems

The global shipping and logistics industry disrupts the communication, navigation, and feeding patterns of marine mammals, fish, and other organisms that threaten marine life, causing injuries and fatalities, especially for endangered species. Moreover, the discharge of ballast water can introduce non-native species, leading to the displacement of native organisms and an ecological imbalance.

If we, as a global industry, can do something, Wait, what? Yes, we can! Ecological logistics can help marine ecosystems. How? We give you five ways shipping companies can help marine ecosystems by adopting eco logistics:

1. Reduced emissions and pollution: By optimising transport routes, using energy-efficient vehicles, and adopting alternative fuels, companies help reduce air and water pollution, including harmful emissions such as greenhouse gases and air pollutants.

2. Mitigation of underwater noise: Initiatives such as slow steaming or using quieter propulsion systems, can help reduce underwater noise pollution.

3. Prevention of invasive species: By implementing ballast water treatment technologies and complying with regulations, shipping companies ensure that discharged ballast water is free from harmful species. This helps protect native marine fauna and flora from the negative ecological effects caused by invasive species.

4. Protection of sensitive marine habitats: By avoiding or reducing vessel traffic in these areas, the risk of physical damage or disturbance to these habitats and the species that depend on them is minimised. This supports the conservation and preservation of diverse marine ecosystems.

5. Collaboration for conservation: Collaboration among stakeholders, including shipping companies, government agencies, and environmental organisations, facilitates knowledge sharing, research initiatives, and the development of best practises for the protection of marine environments.

Eco-logistics as a distinguishing factor

One of the many efficient initiatives to combat the deteriorating ecological impact is the use of environmentally friendly practises. It is the distinguishing factor among the companies in logistics that implement sustainable practises for their logistics management. It helps the logistics sector overcome obstacles in the most efficient way. So, let’s set sail for eco-logistics!

Also read ‘Green Logistics: 10 environmentally friendly strategies’


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