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September 29, 2023
Profile image of Hans Dekker
Hans Dekker

API'tite for Security: Feeding the Security Hunger in Logistics

In today's fast-paced logistics world, handling intricate workflows with safety can be areal puzzle. Keeping important data safe now hinges on API security, however, this is an area where a lot of companies don't have much expertise. What Shiperone Workflows offers is not just simplifying complex logistics processes, but also ensuring their security.

API'tite for Security: Feeding the Security Hunger in Logistics

Enhanced User Experience and Consistency

One of the standout features of Shiperone Workflows is its dedication to enhancing the user experience and ensuring consistency. Imagine a world where you no longer need to tangle with multiple to-do lists or wrestle with booking templates just to add a customer to the "Customer" dropdown menus. Shiperone Workflows allows you to easily handle these tasks, making the process for logistics professionals smoother and safer. 

Integration Made Smooth

Shiperone Workflows offers a reliable hand when it comes to integration. Each component has its very own identity, creating an enchanting process for replicating and integrating pages from various applications, including SAP and more. Updating a booking or tweaking values? It's as simple as wielding the booking ID and component ID, making integration so much easier.

 Strengthening Security through Industry Standards

In addition to simplifying intricate workflows, Shiperone places a strong emphasis on security. Employing industry-standard security practices, including the use of client secret and client ID, ensures the safety of your logistics data. Similar to the tech giants like Microsoft, every company within Shiperone Workflows receives a unique Company ID, which functions like a personalized username. To grant third-party applications access to your data via APIs, companies can create an API Access Token. Paired with the Company ID, this token unlocks a JWT token valid for 24 hours, creating a solid defense for the data. 

Shiperone also grants its users the power to revoke access effortlessly by deleting the API access token. This level of control guarantees that third-party applications can no longer access the data, enhancing the security of logistics operations. 

In summary, Shiperone Workflows is making waves in the logistics world by simplifying complexity and raising the bar on security. With a focus on user experience, magical integration capabilities, and adherence to industry-standard security practices, they're a game-changer for the logistics industry.

Stay tuned for more insights on how workflow solutions are shaping the future of logistics.


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